Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Open House
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Small motor skills-coloring, puzzles, playdough, a variety of blocks and other acivites.
Large motor skills- crawling, marching, runnung, jumping,dancing and excercising.
Dramatic Play-Stimulates child's imagination, social and language skills. Play area includes a kitchen and play house.
Art/creativity-projects emphasize creativity. The preocess is more important than the product.
Music/Movement-Daily use of songs and rhymes. The oppurtunity to use a variey of musical instruments daily. Rythm
Science-Acitivities that encourage investigations, observing, discovering and problem solving.
Math-counting will be a part of our everyday routine. Other activities involving concepts such as volume,size and shape.
Language Arts-Stories will be read daily. The children will be encouraged to participate in group converstons, story telling, pupprt play, and role playing. Speaking in fulll sentences, taking turns expressing oneself, and being an attentive listener will be encouraged.
Writing skills- The children will have the oppurtunity to trace lines, curves, their names, shapes, letters, and numbers. They will also have the chance to experiment on their own with various writing materials.
Responsibilities-Each child will be resposible to perform daily tasks such as cleaning up after using materials, hanging their coats up, snack time, etc. This will build self-esteem and independence. They will also learn to work with others using "teamwork"